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  • bob8286

The Fence That Falls Away- A Coaching Metaphor

One morning, I was taking a short hike on one of my favorite trails in Tilden Park in Berkeley. I noticed half a dozen small tender saplings that had been recently planted. Must be the work of Ranger Tim and the Junior Rangers I thought. They spindly trees were enclosed by a a rather flimsily built fence loosely fashioned from the branches of some red osier dogwoods that were growing nearby.”Ha!” I thought dismissively.“This fence won’t last more than a couple of years at most. Then I got it! The fence wouldn't need to stand any longer than that because within those few years the saplings would have grown sufficiently to be able to withstand the animal and human traffic that might be a hazard to them now. The fence could fall away and would fact enrich the soil near which the trees would be growing without the need of it support.

A fence that falls away. What a great metaphor for how I see my coaching work, and mentoring in general. Support for my clients when needed. Compost not too long later, when they will bring their Story Strong skills to their next challenge.

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